Kaliro FoundationKF
Welcome to To Kaliro Foundation -Twekembe -Tukole
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Contact 0778 586 977

Objectives of Kaliro Foundation (KF)

  1. To promote education through setting up education institutions and also solicit for scholarships, bursaries, and other support to enable children and women acquire basic and quality education.
  2. To mobilize and lobby for resources from government, private sector, development partners to finance development projects and enhance membership service delivery.
  3. To conduct social dialogues at all avenues with all religious leaders, parents, guardians and the congregations on positive developmental programs, life skills training and promotion, production of handcrafts and micro finance initiatives to engage in small businesses.
  4. To mobilize all leaders at all levels, CSOs, development partners, the private sector, academia, community leaders, and parents and caretakers to participate and support all the campaigns aimed at alleviating poverty and ensuring social and economic development.
  5. To conduct engagements aimed at mobilizing for the return to school of all teenage mothers, and the ability to remain in school for all girls and boys as a protection and prevention mechanism.
  6. To set up counseling and family centers to offer life skills and mentorship programs to girls and women and  establish hospitals, clinics and other health institutions to offer affordable services.
  7. To enhance food security in the region through promoting and improving small holder farmers and work with them in providing training and extension services and agric-chain supplies and management as well as enhancing value addition.
  8. To establish research centers and institutes for to enhance training and spur research, innovation and competition and promote more research in production and trade.
  9. To ensure environmental conservation and Climate change mitigation and awareness by engaging locals in extensive tree planting and preservation of the existing ecosystems aimed at climate change mitigation.